blackra1n: Jailbreak for iPhone OS 3.1.2

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009
As many of you already know, I am releasing a jailbreak called blackra1n. What many of you don't know is that I'm releasing it tonight! At 4AM EST, I want to see the topic "#blackra1n" trending on twitter. Once I see it trending, I'll put the download link up on ... Isn't viral "marketing" cool :-)

So, what is blackra1n? blackra1n is a 30 second ALL device 3.1.2 jailbreak. Even the ipt3, but the ipt3 is tethered. In order to boot it, just rerun blackra1n. As far as donations go, they are much appreciated, but not until after blackra1n works for you. I never ask for donations before the tool is released.

Warning 3g and 3gs unlockers, do not upgrade to 3.1.2 using iTunes if you want to keep your unlock. Baseband cannot be downgraded. Check out the dev team's offerings. Also blackra1n doesn't hacktivate. got a quarter million unique hits, and that's without any content. This jailbreak is going to be huge!!!
